NIADA Convention 2021 Recap

by Lindsey - Posted 3 years ago

Dwight and Chris attended the NIADA Convention in San Antonio, TX this year.

It was great to be back with clients and partners in person at this event. Much of our daily work with our clients and partners is done over the phone, email, or Skype. This can be very efficient, but it doesn't take the place of a handshake, looking them in the eye, and speaking face-to-face.

For us, this is the value of conventions like the one NIADA puts on every year. We enjoy the educational seminars. We appreciate the opportunity to educate attendees on our products and services at our booth. But what we really love is mingling with the people we've come to know over the years serving the auto industry.

NIADA Convention

This year's event seemed a little smaller, with the shadow of the pandemic still hanging over us. But we still enjoyed being together as a team, and spending time on the convention floor and at the different mixers. Everyone seemed in high spirits and glad to be together once again after last year's virtual convention.

We set up our booth, taking a light-hearted approach to helping those in the auto industry find the best website software to get more leads and make more sales. We also offered some exclusive deals to event attendees.

During the pandemic, we introduced our latest software, VirtualDealer, which allows independent auto dealers to offer full online car sales and delivery to car buyers. We enjoyed telling our clients and potential clients about our new software at getting the signed up so they can continue offering the most cutting-edge website services in the industry.

Niada VehiclesNetwork Booth

And following our yearly tradition of offering a technology giveaway, one lucky attendee won a brand new tablet. Congratulations, Michael!

Niada Tablet Winner

Thanks to everyone who met with us at the NIADA Convention, and we're looking forward to future events!

I will leave you with a few images from past NIADA Conventions:

Dwight and our long-time client Scott Allen in 2018

Niada 2018 Scott Allen

Our team with NIADA team and members in 2019.

Niada 2019

Tablet winner from NIADA Convention 2016:

NIADA convention tablet winner 2017